Experience-driven, backed by science coaching that will help you jumpstart your fitness journey and kick a** in all you do for the rest of your life!


If we’re being honest, fitness is the Wild, Wild West. What does that mean? 

It’s a largely unregulated industry.

At Black Iron Fitness Company, we aim to clear a path through the nonsense, through the fog of misinformation and all the shiny,  gimmicky distractions to measurable, visible, tangible results. 

We specialize in training beginners in the art of training for strength, aesthetics and health using tried and true Black Iron Gym methods backed by modern principal-based fitness science.

We want you to win…and we legitimately don’t want to see you waste your minutes or your money.

What our simple, reliably and effective coaching methods lack in flash, they more than make up for in reliability in delivering YOUR results.

Our Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG) is to leave you better than we found you educating you to the point of our own obsolescence.

If your coach gets hit by a bus tomorrow would you know how to take the wheel and drive? With Black Iron Fitness Co. you will.

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No-BS training

for uncompromising clients.

“We will coach anyone, we are not the coaches for everyone.” 

DIS·​CERN·​ING: di-ˈsər-niŋ 

: showing insight and understanding : DISCRIMINATING

a discerning critic

Serious Coaching for Discerning Clientele

Your coach, while kind, understanding & motivating, is not a caddy or a baby-sitter. We are straight shooters and expect the same from you. You will be expected to show up with a willingness to learn, a desire to improve, and the determination to put your all into your training. From the second you walk through the door you will be taught by doing. you will move the weights, adjust the racks etc. We build competency and thus confidence. If you do your part, your coach will make sure you get the most bang for your buck.


 Core Values



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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris euismod massa quis elit lobortis facilisis. Donec tincidunt, erat eget pulvinar feugiat, risus lacus eleifend leo.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris euismod massa quis elit lobortis facilisis. Donec tincidunt, erat eget pulvinar feugiat, risus lacus eleifend leo.

How We Can Help You…

Remote Coaching

Live Virtual Coaching

Live Virtual Coaching

Hybrid Coaching

Hybrid Coaching

